Monday, July 5, 2010

Two lessons and a sparkler

G'day Family and Friends!
Happy 4th of July!!! Man its so weird that a year ago I spent the 4th of July in the MTC and just watched the fireworks go off in the BYU stadium outside our building. Last night to celebrate 4th of July we lit sparklers and Elder Bowles found some Dr. Pepper!! yeah buddy. It was fun. We also played this game called Dont Panic at a members house and that was really fun too. Btw have any of you heard of fried chocolate sandwiches? Yeah I'd NEVER heard of them before but Kiri Perusco, one of our members, made some for us with some ice cream on top and they were delicious! Nice and unhealthy, just how I like it. You know how I do!  Anyways theres also this guy that just moved into our ward. His name is Bro Robert Beesley and he's from Montana and he said he is actually related to Rowleys there!!! Crazy eh?? So could you check on that for me mum and ask Gma Nelson about that? I might be related to this guy! So I'm gonna sound racist but man there are just too many white people here. LOL. Its true. I'm just so used to working with Islanders and you have to work differently with white people. haha but dont get me wrong I love the Aussies. They are so fun and really great members. This week I learned two main lessons that have stuck in my mind. One on speaking by the promptings and power of the Holy Ghost and Faith. First the lesson I learned on Faith is that I know nothing about faith lol. Its something that I need to pray more fervently for and exercise more diligently. While we were teaching our investigator Tony this week we started teaching him the message of the Restoration and as we were sitting there teaching him, with his head down and eyes on his feet I had this strong impression to stop our teaching and just talk to him to see where he was spiritually and see what he wanted to get out of our teaching. So we stopped and I just asked him what he wanted to get out of what we were teaching and he said that he wanted to learn about how to get closer to Jesus Christ, so that was good, and then i asked him about what he thought of what we have taught him so far and he said I know its true. I know you are teaching me truth. When he said that I knew that the spirit was with us and then our member that was with us bore his testimony of how he was converted into the church(which is a cool story) and then looked at the investigator took his arm and said show me your hands. Tonys hands were really tore up and apparently it happens from stress and other things and our member, Bro Clancy, said I promise you that If you keep the commandments and follow the teachings that the Elders are teaching you, your hands will be healed. Wow. At first I was like woah take it easy mate!(in my head) but then afterwards while I was thinking about that I just couldnt help but envy his faith. He's only been a member for about 10 years and he is a Melchezidek Priesthood Holder and he understands that the priesthood is the power and authority of GOD to administer to our Heavenly Father's Children. That was my lesson on faith. Then my lesson on speaking by the promptings of the Holy Ghost happened yesterday. It was my first sunday in my new ward, the Wollongong Ward and I knew I was going to have to bear my testimony so I was trying to decide on what to bear my testimony on. I wanted to make a good first impression and all that. I wanted to represent Califormia too :). So anyways as I was walking up to the pulpit all I could think of to bear my testimony on was the Atonement and Grace. As I was walking back to my seat I was just like Dang it Dang it Dang it Dang it dang it etc. etc. I sat down a bit disappointed and then towards the end of sacrament meeting another Sister in the ward(I'm still learning names) went up and bore a strong testimony of how the Atonement has blessed her life and she said that she was thankful that I bore my testimony on grace because she knew that was what she really needed to hear at this point in her life. When she said that I knew that the Holy Ghost had given me the words to say. I didnt want to share this experience to toot my own horn but I just wanted to just mention that as members of the church we are given the magnificent gift of the Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead, and he does in reality prompt us and give us the words to say to those around us to lift them up and also to help those lost children of our Heavenly Father to find the way back home. I hope all of us will look for those opprotunities to open our mouths and bear testimony of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it has blessed our families and individual lives. I know that a testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy and revelation which is what the sons of Mosiah had when they converted thousands of Lamanites during their ministry. Our Heavenly Father smiles as we open our mouth to share our testimonies with those around us.(D&C 33:8-10) "Perfect Love casteth out all fear." Do we love our brothers and sisters around us? It is my testimony that if we exercise our faith in opening our mouths that the Holy Ghost will fill them. Missionary work is the fast pass to happiness. I love this work. I love you all heaps as! Cheers
Elder Nelson
Mum, Thank you for the pictures!! Looks like you had an awesome 4th of July! Oh man I miss Mexican Kaviar......aHHHHH!! Who is Sister Luatua? Do we know her? or is she just following the blog? good on ya stephen and bryce for your success at scout camp!! Your on your way to eagle!! get it as soon as possible! dont wait till the last minute! I'm not sure if Australia is building homes. I'll ask around. I dont have a forwarding address for Muno and Genevieve but here is there email address I'm glad to hear that the family is doing family prayers and scripture study. Stephen! stop mocking bryce or I will come home and marry your future wife!!! Ooooo What are you gonna do now? Well I gotta go but all I gotta say is: GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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