Monday, September 20, 2010

A message to the fam...


Wow thank you family so muchfor all the emails!! I'm really glad you had so much fun with Denisa Mum. It may not seem like it sometimes but I REALLY look forward to reading your emails every week. So thats why I'm always sad whenever I dont get an email. So are we building our own house? When did this happen? I'm so confused I thought Dad was just starting his business? I'm stoked as though!! Thats way awesome. Yeah I have a few suggestions for my room...I'd like an Ipad installed into the ceiling ummm and definitely a slide going from my room into the pool and ummmm definitely surround sound hooked to my stereo and uhhh yeah and put a slave bell in there with Stephen imprinted on it hahahahahaha. Jokes! so I have no idea...I probably wont be using my room very long anyway right because I'll be on my way to the sealing room hahahahaha. So uh just make it cool. Cool as actually. Game room sounds awesome. I've gotten a little bit better at ping pong so bring it OLd man(thats you dad). Islanders are obsessed with it. You'll have to send me a picture or something with the plans so I can see. I still dont know what I want to do for an occupation but I've been thinking about it and I wouldnt mind if you taught me a thing or two about Carpentry dad. So make sure you save me some work to do. If your gonna send a package mum I dont mind whats in just make sure its american. You know what I like. New ties would be nice. I used most of the money trudy and don sent me and I bought new pants and 5 new shirts. they're great and they were cheap. I still have 70 left. But I'll probably have to buy some new pants because they shrunk a bit and I think I am going to rip them soon. Okay they didnt shrink I'm just fat okay! JeeZ! Take it easy! Anyways sounds like your new callings will be great! hows stephen going on his calling? Good on ya bryce for that smashing tackle! you are my hero. Stephen your my sidekick. HAHA jk. I like the pic you sent of you on your mission mum. I cant believe we're about the same age in that photo. Where is Sister Dunning from? I'd love to get a letter from her! she'll be my new best friend and then she can tell me how you were hitting on all those elders and we can joke about you! Thanks mum :). You are the source of my entertainment. Ta as. Tell Aunt Denisa I said I love her and I look forward to her next letter. I hope she got my letter. I wrote Trudy and Don by the way. I wrote Adam this week too. I miss that guy heaps. I'm sad sister lealau died.  Good on ya for teaching RS mum. Your awesome. Dont worry about people judging you. We're always repenting and getting better anyway. My companions in order are Elder Dean, Summers, Modlik, Bills, Vardeman, Cahigas, and Stringam. Great emails! I love ya heaps as. ttyl.

Stephen, new word is "cake" or "mud". you choose... Elder Tuikolovatu told me in New Zealand they use those words on the street just for laughs when something is lame. Kinda like how we say "thats gay" Ya feel me? Its crack up. so like your football skills....totally cake mate...hahahaahaha. Catch ya lata

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